Monday, June 02, 2008

stuff I did today

Wake up at 5:30. Hit snooze. Hit snooze again. Hit snooze three more times. Sit up, read from Daily Light for the Daily Path, greet God and say thank-You for the day.

Go back to sleep.

Wake up again at 7:00. Get online. My computer finally connected from my bedroom--hurrah! It's been insisting that I carry it all the way downstairs and sit uncomfortably in an armchair that early in the morning, but today it was kind. Talk to Carolyn on GoogleTalk. Answer a bunch of email, including a few business things.

Eat breakfast, study the Bible. Make a list of things to do today.

Stare, bleary-eyed and headachey, at the laptop screen. Do pretty much nothing for an hour while I'm supposedly revising Burning Light. Finally manage to get an hour of actual revision/editing done. Still trying to figure out Nicolas's part of the story--I wrote myself into some funny situations in the original draft, and now I want them all to make sense. Easier said than accomplished.

Write some promotional emails for Tales of the Heartily Homeschooled. Decide that I can't do any more until Carolyn (my co-author) gets back online.

The next part of my day is a mental blank. I was breathing, so presumably I did something.

Carolyn eventually did get back online, at which time she was too sick to think very well and I still had a headache. I messed around with autoresponders, Web pages, and incomprehensible templates until I finally figured out a way to get a free ebook preview of Tales of the Heartily Homeschooled to readers in exchange for an email address--yay! (You can make the Great Exchange here, if you're so inclined. Email addresses will not be used for anything sinister.)

After more than an hour of wishing I was more tech-savvy, I finally gave Carolyn the go-ahead to get to work. She started sending out our promo emails, with near-instant results--rather encouraging. The first result was an email asking us to be featured at a convention in British Columbia this weekend. Heavens! If they'll pay our expenses, we'll be there. Waiting to hear back on that.

Answered more business email.

Wrote a quick draft of an article for the Matthew House newsletter, Windsor branch. I'm serving as editor-in-chief starting this month.

Went over the manuscript of Seasons (I think this title will change), the latest release by the same Nun of Grace who wrote Tales From an Irish Hermitage. I already knew I was happy to be working with her again (I'm doing the formatting, some editing, and a lot of printer-guidance), but now that I've read some of the book I'm even happier.

Took a break. Walked by the river. It's gorgeous outside.

Came home and edited two articles for Boundless. They are driving me crazy (the articles, not Boundless), as articles often do, but I will overcome. Speaking of Boundless, one of the business emails I handled today asked for permission to reprint "20-Something Reasons to Live At Home." This article continues to garner the biggest response I've ever gotten to date, which is exciting for me.

Blogged. As you can see.

And that, my friends, is a wrap.



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