Monday, June 19, 2006

Of Books, Blurbs, and Travels: A Publisher's Update

Probably I am slightly insane; but that's okay... I'm having fun! Not many twenty-three year old girls get to say that they have their own publishing company, nor do they get to spend their time not only working with, but making books. It's a great feeling.

Of course, at some point this company needs to actually move beyond "hobby" stage and make some money. So I'm working on that.

Currently, I am completely redoing my book on the Lord's Prayer. The publication date is September 2006. The new title is Heart to Heart: Meeting With God in the Lord's Prayer. I need to have a meeting today with my typesetter and cover designer to work out the new design and get that ball rolling.

In the meantime, I'll finish rewriting the chapter on "Thy Kingdom Come" and collect the addresses of various well-known names in Christendom. Yes, I am going to seek that paragon of publishing peaches: the endorsement, otherwise known as a "blurb." It's a little nerve-wracking for someone who really doesn't like to put herself forward, but do it I shall.

And then, when I have written blurb requests and mailed them out, when my new cover and design are in the works, when my manuscript is finished, then (at the end of this week) I shall leave home for four weeks and travel all over the country visiting. The only work I will do the whole time is spend four days in the Central Library of Vancouver researching reviewers.

Hopefully all the famous people I'm contacting about blurbs won't all decide that they should call me while I'm away. (Of course, I hate phones so much that if they DID, I would rather be in a van traveling across Canada with ten people, three dogs, and two cats than be near a phone. Which is in fact exactly where I'll be.)

Hearken! Even as I type, an email has come in from the Canadian ISBN service. My book has a number. In the world of publishing, it now officially exists.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurray, well done! I am excited for you. You will have to tell me more. :)

11:55 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your book officially existing. What an exciting time of life you're in!

9:48 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel. I left a REAL comment on the post a couple of doors down, the one about the Bluedorns' book. But re: this post. Way to go!

11:13 a.m.  

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