Thursday, November 15, 2007

NaNoWriMo Update

Yes indeedy, I decided to take the plunge and participate in National Novel Writing Month this year. Every November, thousands of people all over the world feverishly attempt to finish a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Now, that's not many words for a novel--it's somewhere between 125 and 200 pages--but it is a lot of words for a month.

Did I have the time for this endeavour? No, not really. Which is why I've been writing until midnight-ish many nights. Which may be why I have a sore throat now :).

That said, I'm having fun. I have never written with quite so much abandon. I know it's sloppy. I'm just hoping I'll discover the middle of my plot in time to keep my word count up. (I typically know how my stories will begin and roughly how they'll end, but that middle part gets me every time.)

The story is one I started while traveling cross-country with my cousins two summers ago. It's called Lady Moon and it is a fairly madcap fantasy with magical creatures and many coincidences and characters that run amuck. I'm pleased to announce that I reached 23,000 words last night, which makes today's halfway goal of 25,000 words seem very much within reach.


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