Wednesday, September 20, 2006

WIP Report 2006

I knew this year was going to be busy; I didn't know it was going to be so much fun! Since several of my projects involve writing and producing books, I thought I'd take the time to post a report on my current WIP (Work-in-Progress) schedule for the rest of the year.


Some time ago my cousin and dear friend Carolyn Currey and I started putting together a book of humourous essays and stories dealing with life in large, crazy, homeschooling families. Temporarily titled Tales of the Hopelessly Homeschooled, it is in the final stages of editing and will be the next release from Little Dozen Press! Look for chapter excerpts and thoughts on the same themes on this blog.

Seeing as I've turned into such a prolific writer, I've decided to share a few of the things I've learned with other young people who want to write. I'm writing a book on how to write a novel, directed at preteens and teenagers who want a good foundation to start with. No title yet, so I'm calling it The Novel Book (any suggestions would be appreciated!).

I've learned a LOT through the years from reading books on writing, and hope to add a significant contribution to the melee. Since I'm a Christian and writing, for me, is about more than exciting plots and colourful descriptions, the book will also tackle issues like values and truth in fiction. I'll also be posting on these themes, and blogging various writing tips.

And of course, Heart to Heart: Meeting With God in the Lord's Prayer has been released and is now in the marketing stage.


August saw the final chapter of Angel in the Woods written and posted to my Xanga site, where so many of you graciously followed it and let me know how much you enjoyed it! In the next few weeks I'll begin editing Angel for publication. Still trying to decide whether to publish it myself or find an agent... I'm leaning toward the agent option.

[Note: Angel's limited time online is now over. All posts have been removed. Thanks again to all those who read it and kept me encouraged!]

In the meantime, I'm heading up a nine-author project called The Romany Epistles. My contribution is a fantasy novel entitled Taerith, in which I hope to tackle the deep issues of humility, meekness, and servanthood, as well as hopefully writing an exciting story. Several readers have already let me know that they think Taerith is a step up from Angel--if you haven't read the first two chapters yet, please come by and have a read. And don't forget to comment!

I also hope to get my first novel, Theodore Pharris Saves the Universe, available for purchase again.

Yep, it's a handful... but I'm enjoying every minute. If you haven't subscribed to this blog yet, I encourage you to do so, because there's going to be a LOT going on!

Blessings all,



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